Happy Rainy Sunday!
It's been awhile since my last post and a lot has happened since then. Halloween, preparing for a Christmas Craft fair, book reading, paintings painted, mushrooms gathered and a wild animal sighting. Busy, busy, busy. I haven't had a lot of time to post. So, this post will be a catch up and a collage of ideas melded together.
Today is a very wet and rainy Sunday and it seem like a good day to write.
This year was on odd Halloween as our kids were with other friends, we didn't get many photos of their costumes and we were traveling during the weekend. However we didn't forget to carve pumpkins and I got a great photo of them. There is something magical about pumpkin carvings and candle light.

These last couple of months I've been really busy trying to get ready for a local Christmas fair the first weekend in December. Not only have I been busy producing product to sell at the fair, but it is my first fair, so I am building a booth for the first time. This has been a very time consuming and expensive task. I sell clothing and art, so I have different mediums to think about and how best to display them. Figuring out how to fit everything in a 10' by 10' space is not an easy job. Lighting, walls, a floor, how to hang art and clothing, a dressing room and more! Yikes. Here is a photo of the first time I set up the tent and what it might look like. I've added a lot since this photo and will definitely add more photos once the fair has happened.

I've added colorful curtains in the open areas where my art will hang by chain with hooks. I'll have baskets of prints on the wooden table. There will be nice carpets on the floor and I've added a small dressing room in the upper left corner. Also, I'm working on a full length tapestry to hang on the outside of the dressing room with my business name and Etsy sight along with other creative designs on it. Any feedback or tips on selling clothing and or art in craft fairs
welcome. I'm still thinking about the possibility of offering credit
card sales, but not sure I want to deal with this for one three day festival. hmmm...